A list of cost saving suggestions, which could be implemented with little or no additional effort, were developed and evaluated by a task force of District Engineers and Division Heads of the Texas Highway Department. The suggestions which have provided a basis for determining the future course of action in the project on "Engineering, Economy and Energy Considerations in Design, Construction and Materials", are presented under the following categories: suggestions for for administrative considerations (contracting, time, payment, mobilization, detours, procurement and other); suggestions that have been already implemented; suggestions which may be implemented subject to comments shown; those that reflect good engineering; those relating to maintenance management; miscellaneous suggestions; and suggestions requiring development effort prior to implementation.
Corporate Authors:
Texas State Department of Highways & Public Transp
P.O. Box 5051
Austin, TX United States 78763Texas Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System, 1600 E Lamar Boulevard
Arlington, TX United States 76011 - Publication Date: 1974-12
Media Info
- Pagination: 20 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Building materials; Construction; Costs; Design; Economic benefits; Energy; Engineering economy; Implementation; Maintenance; Transportation operations
- Old TRIS Terms: Transportation administration
- Subject Areas: Construction; Design; Economics; Energy; Finance; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Research;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00083955
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: 2-9-74-214 Res. Proj.
- Created Date: Apr 22 1975 12:00AM