Design criteria, economic evaluation formulas, observations of in service pavements, and past experience indicate that pavements should be resurfaced (over-laid) on the average average after 15 years of service; Hot mix asphalt overlays are indicated as the means used to do so. The comprehensive resurfacing program of the Maryland Highway Department is reported, which has resurfaced about 307 miles per year and incorporated safety features in the work. The hot mix asphalt resurfacing improves the riding quality, increases skid resistance and traffic stripe visibility, strengthens the pavement structurally, and extends service life indefinitely. Other advantages in the use of hot mix asphalt are listed and include maintenance, traffic flow, and aesthetic features. Resurfacing costs and new highway construction costs are compared. The rehabilitation is reviewed of many miles of the secondary highway. The engineers have attempted to keep such work on the existing right of way, and the work consists of widening, resurfacing drainage improvements, guardrail installation, shoulder buildup, and the removal of high crowns and roughness. Grade reduction, sight distance improvement and curve easement have been included in critical areas. The rehabilitation of the more heavily travelled primary highways has varied in scope to include shoulder adjustment and adding lanes including mainline, acceleration, and deceleration, and left turn lanes, median barriers, shoulders, curbs, and other features, as well as resurfacing the old pavement.
Corporate Authors:
Maryland Asphalt Association, Incorporated
Baltimore Life Building, 901 North Howard Street
Baltimore, MD United States 21201 - Publication Date: 1975-1
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Photos;
- Pagination: 4 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Asphalt; Costs; Driver rehabilitation; Highway maintenance; Highways; Hot mix asphalt; Primary highways; Resurfacing; Riding qualities; Service life; Skid resistance; Traffic lanes
- Uncontrolled Terms: Rehabilitation
- Old TRIS Terms: Lanes
- Subject Areas: Design; Finance; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00081621
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Apr 8 1975 12:00AM