Quantification of Time Saved in Highway Construction by Initiating Electronic Ticketing (e-Ticketing)

Digital material delivery such as electronic ticketing (e-Ticketing) is a proven method for increasing the productivity of field inspectors and engineers. A wide range of studies have been conducted that focused on implementation standards, pilot testing, and challenges in the deployment of e-Ticketing technology; however, few have quantified its benefits for the highway construction sector. Therefore, the objective of this study is to quantitatively evaluate the benefits of e-Ticketing technology for highway construction projects, based on available project data and generated electronic tickets. To accomplish this objective, a literature review was performed; a survey was developed, conducted, and analyzed; and on-site project data were evaluated to identify the amount of time that could be saved in highway construction projects. The results showed that e-Ticketing technology could significantly increase the productivity of field inspectors, as it would reduce the manual ticketing process by approximately 80%, enabling inspectors and administrative workers to focus on other demanding tasks. The findings of the study also revealed that it could save up to four inspector man-hours, which is crucial in mitigating the workforce shortage faced by the sector. The time savings and increase in productivity levels would allow departments of transportation (DOTs) to focus on other emerging technologies such as digital as-builts, intelligent compaction, and drone monitoring. The findings of the study will aid DOT decision-makers and engineers in quantitatively analyzing the benefits of the e-Ticketing platform, thereby decreasing project costs, improving inspector safety, mitigating the shortage of inspectors, and focusing on other emerging technologies.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Web
  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: pp 514-523
  • Monograph Title: International Conference on Transportation and Development 2023: Transportation Planning, Operations, and Transit

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01887258
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780784484883
  • Files: TRIS, ASCE
  • Created Date: Jul 13 2023 9:37AM