Increasing Shared Mobility Use in Low Population Suburbs and Urban Fringe Areas with Autonomous Vehicles: Scenario Analyses with an Activity-Based Model

Connected autonomous shared electric vehicles have the potential to reduce operating costs and increase service coverage for TNC. Using an activity-based modeling framework, this research provides a thorough examination of the expanded service coverage of shared mobility brought on by autonomous vehicles (AVs) in lower-density areas. Shared mobility is a cutting-edge transportation strategy that enables users to have momentary access to a mode of transportation as needed. In lower-density areas, shared mobility can improve access, lessen social exclusion, and give carless and transit-dependent households transportation options. The existing transportation network companies (TNC) provide limited service in low-density areas for lesser profits than in urban areas causing greater wait times. Very few studies have explored the impact of improved TNC coverage in low-density areas. With the usage of autonomous vehicles in TNC, people in low-density areas will be more attracted to shared mobility with lower cost and wait time. The study used an activity-based modeling framework in the Southeast Florida Regional Planning Model (SERPM) to estimate the effect on the transportation system by changing service coverage in low and very low-density areas. The model run from different scenarios demonstrated that with the increased service coverage the TNC membership increases for the household and auto ownership declines. However, the vehicle mile traveled (VMT) and vehicle hour traveled (VHT) increased for having zero passenger trips. The study will guide transportation planning organizations to assess the behavioral change in low-density areas for autonomous vehicles’ presence in TNC.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Web
  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: pp 263-273
  • Monograph Title: International Conference on Transportation and Development 2023: Transportation Safety and Emerging Technologies

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01902297
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780784484876
  • Files: TRIS, ASCE
  • Created Date: Dec 15 2023 8:49AM