This report describes the analyses, conclusions and recommendations concerning immediate improvements in regional public transportation to be implemented in the next few years. The report describes present transit service in the area, outlines surveys and analyses performed, articulates objectives and standards, recommends a plan for transit improvements, presents estimates of financial results of operation and outlines an implementation program. A summary of the conclusions and recommendations is included at the beginning of the report. Part II, which is not yet finished, will be the 1990 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN. The implementation of the plans presented in both parts will result in a regionwide bus rapid transit system operating on exclusive busways, reserved busways on existing streets or in mixed traffic, with the capability to be converted to a new technology of public transportation systems as that technology unfolds. The performing organization worked closely with the staffs of the Columbia Regional Association of Governments (CRAG), the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District (TRI-MET), the City of Portland, the Oregon State Highway Division, and staff members of the various cities and public agencies throughout the metropolitan area. Meetings with civic, professional and community groups were held to inform the public and to receive comments on the plan. Two large maps, one on existing transit service as of 1971 and one on the recommended transit plan, are included.

  • Supplemental Notes:
    • Prepared for the Columbia Regional Association of Governments.
  • Corporate Authors:

    De Leuw, Cather and Company

    120 Howard Street
    San Francisco, CA  United States  94120
  • Publication Date: 1973-6

Media Info

  • Pagination: 191 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00081297
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Urban Mass Transportation Administration
  • Report/Paper Numbers: UMTA-IT-09-0008-73-2Tech Study
  • Contract Numbers: IT-09-0008
  • Files: TRIS, USDOT
  • Created Date: Mar 26 1981 12:00AM