The Traffic authority of NSW has statutory responsibility for traffic safety in NSW. In pursuing its safety role the authority uses its data base of traffic crash records, coded from police reports, to monitor hazardous road locations. The locations of crashes are recorded either at an intersection or at some distance and direction from an intersection or other identifying object. There are inherent problems when the verbal description is used to identify locations; spelling and different ways in which a location may be described. This report discusses an alternative location coding method which overcomes these problems. Each traffic crash can be allocated an Australian map grid (amg) co-ordinate to uniquely identify the location of a crash. This grid reference, called the location code, enables easier computer processing and production of complete hazardous road location listings for both intersection and mid-block sites. In addition, with the use of computer graphics and digitised maps of the road network, the information can be displayed on maps to give a geographical perspective not attainable from computer listings. (Author/TRRL)

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    New South Wales Traffic Authority, Australia

    Traffic Accident Research Unit, 56 Rothchid Avenue
    Roseberry, New South 2018,   Australia 
  • Authors:
    • CROFT, P G
    • Richmond, A
  • Publication Date: 1985

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; Tables;
  • Pagination: 15 p.
  • Serial:
    • Research Note
    • Publisher: National Center for Statistics and Analysis

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00396874
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB
  • ISBN: 0-7240-7075-3
  • Report/Paper Numbers: RN 1/85 Monograph
  • Files: ITRD, TRIS, ATRI
  • Created Date: Jan 31 1986 12:00AM