This article discusses the case for and against Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection (PMVI) programs. Some argue that driver safety is in jeopardy without these inspections and that efficiently operated programs can be cost effective. Others hold that eliminating the program does not make the roads less safe but rids the state of an expensive and ineffective program. The concern over the programs have been sparked by an increasing number of states that have repealed their safety inspection programs. Currently only 21 states require safety inspections. The arguments for repealing PMVI programs has intensified the National Glass Association's concern over the consequences of such moves. The opinions of state administrators and trade association members are presented. An attempt is now being made to resolve the conflict over the effectiveness of PMVI programs. It is hoped that large-scale study by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will determine the effectiveness of state motor vehicle safety inspections in reducing highway accidents, injuries and deaths and in limiting the number of defective or unsafe vehicles on the highways. The experiences of several of the states with successful programs are recounted.

  • Corporate Authors:

    National Glass Association

    8200 Greensboro Drive, Suite 302
    McLean, VA  United States  22102
  • Publication Date: 1984-11

Media Info

  • Features: Photos;
  • Pagination: p. 26-31
  • Serial:
    • Glass Magazine
    • Volume: 34
    • Issue Number: 11
    • Publisher: National Glass Association

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00395477
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • Report/Paper Numbers: HS-038 003
  • Files: HSL, USDOT
  • Created Date: Jun 30 1985 12:00AM