Following successful application of automatic fare collection (AFC) to rapid transit, Cubic Western Data is now moving into advanced fare collection for buses. CWD sees great potential for an all-purpose farebox that will accept coins, currency, tickets and passes while providing audit information. Like rail transit users, bus riders ultimately are expected to embrace prepaid magnetically stripped cards for registering fare payment. Southern California Rapid Transit District and Long Beach Transit have ordered over a thousand of the CWD modular fareboxes which can work with any fare structure through addition of plug-in modules. The development of rail transit AFC on the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad, Bay Area Rapid Transit, and Washington Metro is described. Automation of bus fare collection is now seen as the source of major new business as most new rapid transit systems use some form of AFC. There is increasing competition for both markets.
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Corporate Authors:
Bobit Publishing Company
2500 Artesia Boulevard
Redondo Beach, CA United States 90278 -
- Seidenman, P
- Publication Date: 1985-3
Media Info
- Features: Photos;
- Pagination: 4 p.
- Metro
- Volume: 81
- Issue Number: 2
- Publisher: Bobit Publishing Company
- ISSN: 10098-0083
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Automatic fare collection; Buses; Currency; Fare collection; Forecasting; Modular structures; Rapid transit
- Old TRIS Terms: Fareboxes; Modular design; Passes
- Subject Areas: Finance; Public Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00394536
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: May 31 1985 12:00AM