Centrifugally spun reinforced concrete piles have been analysed for chloride ion content, after fourteen years exposure to a marine environment. Chloride ion concentrations, as a function of depth in the concrete, were measured and this data fitted to theoretical diffusion rate expressions. Surface chloride ion concentrations and diffusion rate coefficients were calculated for each pile, in the splash and submerged zones. The steel reinforcement cages were stripped of all concrete and inspected for signs of corrosion. Critical threshold levels for chloride induced corrosion were estimated from these observations and the measurements of chloride ion concentration in the adjacent concrete. Using this threshold level, the calculated surface concentration, and the diffusion rate coefficient, the life of a spun reinforced concrete pile with a specific concrete cover to the reinforcement can be estimated. The number of the covering abstract for the conference is TRIS no 394142. (Author/TRRL)
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Supplemental Notes:
- Papers Presented during the Symposium on Concrete 1983, the Material for Tomorrow's Demands, Institution of Engineers, Perth, Australia, 20-21 October 1983.
Corporate Authors:
Institution of Engineers
11 National Circuit
Barton, A.C.T., Australia -
- Gourley, J T
- Bieniak, D T
- Conference:
- Publication Date: 1983-8
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 41-45
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Chloride content; Coefficients; Concentration (Chemistry); Conferences; Corrosion; Diffusion (Optics); Durability; Halides; Material reinforcement; Reinforced concrete; Reinforcing materials; Seas; Support piles
- Uncontrolled Terms: Reinforced concrete piles; Thresholds
- Old TRIS Terms: Marine atmospheres
- ITRD Terms: 6410: Coefficient; 7132: Concentration (chem); 8525: Conference; 5252: Corrosion; 6769: Diffusion; 5910: Durability; 7314: Halide; 3399: Pile; 4794: Reinforced concrete; 3471: Reinforcement (in mater); 4368: Sea
- Subject Areas: Highways; Materials; Planning and Forecasting; I32: Concrete; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00394147
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 0-85825-201-5
- Report/Paper Numbers: 83/12
- Created Date: Aug 31 1985 12:00AM