A Workshop on Environmental Protection of Permafrost Terrain was held 12-15 May 1980 at the University of Alaska's Geophysical Institute. The U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory and the Geophysical Institute conducted the Workshop; the Committee on Permafrost of the U.S. National Research Council's Polar Research Board provided valuable advice in the early organization of the Workshop. The meeting was attended by approximately 100 engineers, scientists and students representing state and federal agencies, industry, and universities from the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom. The Workshop was organized as a series of topical sessions, with informal presentations followed by panel discussions, and focused on large engineering projects including oil and gas developments, mining, and smaller agricultural projects on permafrost terrain. Most of the problems discussed derived from recent experience on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) as well as highway and airfield construction. The major issues that emerged are complex and not necessarily limited to frozen ground conditions, but the problems covered are intensified by the unique characteristics of permafrost: its capacity for accelerated thawing when it is physically and thermally disturbed, and the need either to prevent or accelerate melting of massive ground ice. Since the Workshop was intended to be a medium for immediate communication among knowledgeable engineers and scientists, no formal proceedings will be published. This summary report presents the Workshop participants' overview of present issues and practices for minimizing environmental impacts, costs, and delays of large linear projects on discontinuous and continuous permafrost terrains. (Author)

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Geophysical Institute

    Alaska University
    Fairbanks, AK  United States  99701
  • Authors:
    • Brown, J
    • Hemming, J E
  • Publication Date: 1980

Media Info

  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: p. 30-36
  • Serial:
    • Northern Engineer
    • Volume: 12
    • Issue Number: 2
    • Publisher: Geophysical Institute
    • ISSN: 0029-3083

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00393940
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 31 1985 12:00AM