Contributing Factors and Strategies Applied Onboard Ship: Basis for Development of Booklet to Enhance Seafarers’ Mental Health

In order to help and save the lives of seafarers, the researchers conducted a developmental research to formally create a booklet in e-copy that is a simple, situational, and handy source of knowledge. This study aimed to identify the component of the booklet based on the study of Sarinas et al. [1] in terms of the factors affecting the seafarers’ mental health and strategies they applied to counteract these issues. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model was utilized to develop a booklet. A content validated researcher-made instruments were used to measure the satisfaction of seafarers over the booklet and the acceptability of the experts on the booklet with a reliability index of 0.91 using Cronbach alpha. The content analysis was employed to determine the factors affecting seafarers’ mental health and the strategies to counteract these factors. Meanwhile, frequency, percentage, rank, mean, and standard deviation were used as the statistical tools. Results revealed that, there are 30 factors included in the booklet in the Analysis phase with various situational strategies to combat the factors affecting the mental health of seafarers. Moreover, in the Design phase, there were 10 factors added with corresponding strategies emanated from instructors who were seafarers previously and from experts in mental health. In the Development phase, the booklet made use of the 4 E (Engage, Explore, Explain, and Evaluation) while for the Implementation phase, the e-copy of booklets were given to seafarers as well as the evaluation form for them to assess the booklet and indicate their level of satisfaction. In the Evaluation phase, it shows that seafarers’ level of satisfaction towards the booklet is â€sVery High” which means that seafarers find the overall appearance and content of the supplemental learning material excellent.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01881152
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 25 2023 9:49AM