Formation mechanism of rail corrugation on the metro small radius curve based on the viewpoint of stick-slip torsional vibration

The field investigation show that the inner rail surface has serious corrugation, side corrugation exists on the outer rail, and the degree is relatively slight. By using vehicle-track coupling model and multi-wheelset-track finite element model, the relationship between wheel-rail stick-slip torsional vibration and rail corrugation was analyzed, and the formation mechanism of wheel-rail stick-slip torsional vibration was further explored. The results show that the inner wheel-inner rail lateral stick slip torsional vibration of the guiding wheelset promotes the formation of the inner rail corrugation, and the state of track superelevation affects the formation mechanism of wheel-rail stick-slip torsional vibration.

Media Info

  • Pagination: 9p.; PDF
  • Monograph Title: 12th International conference on contact mechanics and wear of rail/wheel systems (CM2022): advancing the science and practice of the wheel/rail interface to improve railway operation efficiency

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01879039
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: ARRB Group Limited
  • Files: ATRI
  • Created Date: Apr 10 2023 4:54PM