Alcohol-and-driving research has ranged broadly in terms of technical sophistication and adequacy of experimental design. Some studies can be considered no more than demonstrational, whereas others provide a solid basis for much-needed additional work. Alcohol has been shown to alter driving behavior in almost all studies. It increases steering-response rates, velocity variation, and the frequency of procedural errors; and decreases driving smoothness, stopping efficiency, cornering ability, and the extent of the visual field explored by the driver. The data indicate a high probability of impairment at BACs between 50 and 75 mg %. However, it cannot be assumed that all drivers are alsways impaired at these concentrations, for even BACs as high as 130 mg % are not sufficient to impair performance in all instances. The magnitude of alcohol effects is modified by driving skill, drinking experience, personality, the natire of the driving task, and sleep deprivation. Such interactions illustrate the complicated nature of the alcohol performance relationship and indicate the importance of research on the effects of alcohol when combined with other driving-relevant variables.

  • Corporate Authors:

    National Safety Council, Safety Research Info Serv

    425 North Michigan Avenue
    Chicago, IL  United States  60611
  • Authors:
    • Huntley, M S
  • Publication Date: 1973

Media Info

  • Features: References;
  • Pagination: 20 p.

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00080613
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: National Safety Council Safety Research Info Serv
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Mar 6 1975 12:00AM