This is the second report of a two-year research effort to offer solutions and make contributions to the resolution of a complex issue--the allocation of rural public transportation costs among users and other beneficiaries. The study purports to provide assistance and guidance in the design and evaluation of procedures used to approtion these costs. The major research objectives were:1) to test the cost allocation procedures developed during the first year in five rural sites (regions) which incorporated a variey of transportation service, demographic, and geographic characteristics; 2) to evaluate the procedures in terms of their data requirements, ease of understanding, and ability to produce equitable results; and 3) to develop a cost allocation manual to serve as a guide to local officials in the process of implementing rural public transportation programs. The data used in the analysis and testing were from case studies conducted in the five regions of New England, and demonstrated the utility of the framework proposed in the first year of research. The evaluation framework and the findings of this second year study provide local transportation officials and decision-makers with an objective mechanism for evaluating available cost allocation procedures and/or for designing a unique procedure to suit local concerns and circumstances. To make these results widely available, a User's Manual, outlining steps on how to use this framework, has been prepared and is summarized in this report. This report also provides a summary of the framework, a list of 53 references, recommendations and conclusions based on the results of the evaluation of several cost alocation procedures.
Corporate Authors:
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
130 Natural Resources Road
Amherst, MA United States 01003Department of Transportation
Office of University Research, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Collura, J
- Cope, D
- Male, J
- Shuldiner, P W
- Nkonge, J
- Mobolurin, A
- Canner, L
- Publication Date: 1982-6
Media Info
- Pagination: 108 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aged; Cost allocation; Data collection; Equity; Local government; Manuals; Paratransit services; Persons with disabilities; Rural areas; Social service agencies
- Identifier Terms: U.S. Department of Transportation
- Old TRIS Terms: Ost university research
- Subject Areas: Finance; Public Transportation; Society;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00396470
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: DOT-RSPA-DMA-50/82/2Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: DOT-RC-82028
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Aug 31 1985 12:00AM