The Social Development Committee received a reference from the Governor in council dated 6 October 1982 to inquire into, report and make recommendations upon the question of road safety in Victoria. The committee proposes that the 24 countermeasures be implemented over the next five years. These countermeasures include: (a) increased enforcement of the following types: random breath testing, drink/driving patrols, seat belt checks, patrols and automatic cameras at signalised intersections; (b) graduated licensing for car drivers; (c) drink/driving countermeasures; (d) road hazard countermeasures; (h) bicycling measures; (i) high-mounted rear brake lights on new cars. In addition, the Committee recommends that trends in road trauma be continuously monitored during the next five years and, if the situation appears to be deteriorating, that re-consideration be given to implementing a further 10 countermeasures which the Committee considers are not currently socially acceptable. The aim should be to reduce the fatality rate per 10,000 vehicles registered by at least 25 per cent over the period and to prevent total road trauma per annum from increasing (desirably it should be reduced as well). If this aim is achieved, the Committee believes that the injury rate would also be reduced by a commensurate amount. (TRRL)
Corporate Authors:
Victoria Parliament
Social Development Committee, 80 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Publication Date: 1984-10
Media Info
- Features: Tables;
- Pagination: 38 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Attitudes; Brake lamps; Countermeasures; Crash rates; Crash severity; Crashes; Cyclists; Driver licenses; Driver licensing; Driver training; Drunk driving; Economic efficiency; Evaluation and assessment; Foreign; Highway safety; Highways; Injuries; Intoxication; Legislation; Monitoring; Prevention; Reduction (Chemistry); Safety; Sociology; Speed; State government; Traffic law enforcement; Travelers
- Uncontrolled Terms: Causes; Efficiency
- Geographic Terms: Australia
- Old TRIS Terms: Braking lights; Reduction
- ITRD Terms: 1643: Accident; 1661: Accident prevention; 2267: Attitude (psychol); 8006: Australia; 9003: Cause; 1571: Driver training; 1550: Driving licence; 2231: Drunkenness; 5911: Efficiency; 9020: Evaluation (assessment); 2755: Highway; 1556: Legislation; 1755: Road user; 1665: Safety; 2253: Sociology; 5408: Speed
- Subject Areas: Economics; Highways; Law; Pedestrians and Bicyclists; Safety and Human Factors; Security and Emergencies; Society; I80: Accident Studies;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00394816
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Created Date: Jul 31 1985 12:00AM