A class of road surfacings called drainage asphalt has been tested for its potential traffic noise reduction properties. The noise reduction is probably due to the porosity of the surface which gives some sound absorption at the same time as the air resonant radiation from the tire/road system is highly reduced. Noise measurements on drainage pavements in Sweden are reviewed. Results from the last years' research is presented for the first time. This concerns tire/road noise and traffic noise measurements on drainage pavements with different chipping size distribution, thickness and binder material. It is concluded that tire/road noise on a drainage asphalt as compared to a dense, smooth asphalt concrete is reduced by 5-9 db(a). If traffic noise is considered, the reduction might be 5-8 db(a) in the speed range 70-110 km/h according to the presented results. Not only tire/road noise but also power-train noise is reduced by the sound absorption of the drainage asphalt. As a background for the discussion on the reasons for the noise reduction obtained, a review of hypothetical noise generating mechanisms is presented. A short historical review is also included. (Author/TRRL)
Supplemental Notes:
- This paper was presented at the International Seminar on Tire Noise and Road Construction, Zuerich, February 1984.
Corporate Authors:
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Linköping, Sweden SE-581 95 -
- Sandberg, U
- Publication Date: 1984
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 19 p.
- Issue Number: 95
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Asphalt; Binders; Bituminous mixtures; Conferences; Drainage; Measurement; Noise control; Permeability; Porosity; Prevention; Rolling contact; Sound; Sound absorption; Sound level; Surface course (Pavements); Surfacing; Texture; Thickness; Traffic noise
- Uncontrolled Terms: Noise reduction; Particle size distribution; Reduction (Decrease)
- Geographic Terms: Sweden
- ITRD Terms: 4967: Bituminous mixture; 8525: Conference; 5440: Contact (tyre road); 9009: Decrease; 2937: Drainage; 6136: Measurement; 5921: Permeability; 9149: Prevention; 6748: Sound; 6747: Sound level; 3053: Surface texture; 2972: Surfacing; 8109: Sweden
- Subject Areas: Highways; Hydraulics and Hydrology; Pavements; Security and Emergencies; Vehicles and Equipment; I23: Properties of Road Surfaces;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00394333
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Jul 31 1985 12:00AM