In May 1982 the then Minister of Transport directed the Bureau of Transport Economics to undertake an assessment of the Australian road system. A number of discrete but related investigations were carried out. Each investigation has been reported in separate Bureau of Transport Economics (BTE) publications in support of the main BTE report number 56 "Assessment of the Australian Road System: 1984" This paper deals with two issues. The first is the pattern of road expenditure of the three levels of government in Australia since 1972-73. Some projections to 1989-90 based on these patterns are also provided. The second issue examined is the legislative arrangements adopted by the commonwealth government in providing roads assistance to the states and local government. The paper examines the objectives behind these arrangements and whether these objectives have been met. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of both the road expenditure projections and the effectiveness of current legislative arrangements for future commonwealth roads assistance legislation. (TRRL)
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Corporate Authors:
Editions Techniques et Economiques
3 rue Soufflot
Paris, France 75005Bureau of Transport Economics, Australia
P.O. Box 367
Canberra, A.C.T. 2601, Australia - Publication Date: 1984-5
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 115 p.
- Issue Number: 61
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Benefit cost analysis; Demand; Development; Economic efficiency; Evaluation; Evaluation and assessment; Expenditures; Federal aid; Federal government; Financing; Forecasting; Improvements; Legislation; Level of service; Local government agencies; Measurement; Networks; Planning; Policy; Roads; Statistics
- Uncontrolled Terms: Efficiency; Road networks
- Geographic Terms: Australia
- Old TRIS Terms: Projection
- ITRD Terms: 8006: Australia; 226: Cost benefit analysis; 285: Demand (econ); 9013: Development; 5911: Efficiency; 9020: Evaluation (assessment); 244: Financing; 132: Forecast; 183: Government (national); 9108: Improvement; 1556: Legislation; 653: Level of service; 192: Local authority; 143: Planning; 173: Policy; 1053: Road network; 6555: Statistics
- Subject Areas: Data and Information Technology; Economics; Finance; Highways; Law; Planning and Forecasting; Policy; I10: Economics and Administration;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00394171
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 0-644-03436-X
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Jul 31 1985 12:00AM