This summary report is an illustrated description of a surface condition rating procedure for flexible pavements. A slide tape presentation has also been prepared on this subject. This report and the slide tape can be used together to supplement each other, and the report can be used as a reference during field condition surveys. Both documents are intended to be training aids for people who are responsible for evaluating pavement conditions and selecting appropriate maintenance procedures. The Local Research Board Advisory Committee for Investigation 645 "RESEARCH IMPLEMENTATION," under which this report was prepared, feels that with the increased emphasis on maintenance in the future that maintenance people should be made aware of procedures and systems which can be used to aid their judgment of when something needs to be done to a pavement and what mantenance method might be appropriate. The surface condition rating system has been developed as part of NCHRP Project 10-9, "Criteria for Need of Seal Coats on Bituminous Pavements" with the Transportation Research Board. It can be used to quantify the various conditions which have been helped by a seal coat. It is being used by a number of agencies as part of an overall pavement maintenance system. The slide tape show provides examples of pavement surface conditions which can be used to describe conditions at indicated numerical levels. With ratings of surface condition determined on the pavements in a road system it is possible to set up a program of immediate and future needs for some type of pavement improvement. This could be in the form of various types of seal coats, an overlay or recycling depending on the strength, rideability and structural condition of the pavement. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Midwest Pavement Management, Incorporated
1404 Concordia Avenue
St Paul, MN United States 55104Minnesota Department of Transportation
Local Road Research Board, 408 Transportation Building
St Paul, MN United States 55155 -
- Marti, M M
- Skok Jr, E L
- Publication Date: 1984-9
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: 35 p.
- Issue Number: 645
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Evaluation; Flexible pavements; Manuals; Overlays (Pavements); Pavements; Ratings; Recycling; Riding qualities; Seal coats; Strength of materials; Surfaces; Training; Training devices
- Uncontrolled Terms: Pavement conditions
- Subject Areas: Education and Training; Highways; Pavements; Safety and Human Factors; I23: Properties of Road Surfaces;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00393931
- Record Type: Publication
- Created Date: May 31 1985 12:00AM