A number of sprayed seal road trials to monitor bitumen hardening have been laid in different areas of Australia over the past 14 years. Previous analyses have been confined to relating the viscosity of bitumens recovered from the seals to single variables such as durability test result. Sufficient data now exist to develop a multi- variable model of bitumen hardening. Analysis has indicated that the equation log eta = 3.34 + 0.0394 ymmt T**0.5 - 0.023 d t**0.5 explains 93 per cent of the observed variance in log viscosity in 152 sets of test results, where eta is the viscosity (pa.s) of the extracted bitumen, ymmt (degrees Centigrade) is the yearly mean of the maximum daily air temperature at the site, d (days) is the ARRB durability test result and t (years) is the period of seal service. There is insufficient data from pavements near the distress condition for accurate prediction of viscosity in this region. It is important that the trial sections continue to be sampled to obtain this information and also information on the bitumen viscosity levels associated with distress in different climatic regions. Once this information has been obtained it should be possible to predict maximum seal life based on durability test result and meteorological parameters for the particular site. The number of the covering abstract for the conference is TRIS No. 393385. (Author/TRRL)
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Supplemental Notes:
- The Proceedings of the 12th Australian Road Research Board Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, 27-31 August 1984.
Corporate Authors:
Melbourne, Victoria Australia -
- Oliver, JWH
- Publication Date: 1984
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: p. 112-120
- Australian Road Research
- Volume: 12
- Issue Number: 2
- Publisher: ARRB
- ISSN: 0005-0164
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bitumen; Coatings; Concrete hardening; Conferences; Defects; Deterioration; Durability; Experimental roads; Forecasting; Hardness; Maintenance; Mathematical models; Oxidation; Pavement distress; Pavements; Seal coats; Service life; Sprays (Materials); Surfacing; Temperature; Time; Viscosity; Weather
- Geographic Terms: Australia
- ITRD Terms: 8006: Australia; 4963: Bitumen; 8525: Conference; 5255: Deterioration; 5910: Durability; 2778: Experimental road; 132: Forecast; 4722: Hardening; 3847: Maintenance; 6473: Mathematical model; 7157: Oxidation; 2984: Surface dressing; 2972: Surfacing; 6722: Temperature; 5414: Time; 5936: Viscosity; 2545: Weather
- Subject Areas: Design; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Materials; Pavements; I31: Bituminous Binders and Materials;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00393422
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- Created Date: Jul 31 1985 12:00AM