To ensure traffic safety, it is necessary that police agencies analyze the problem, monitor traffic data, educate the public, and enforce traffic laws. Enforcement is the most visible means of promoting safety, but first the police administrator must ensure that the public is informed of new regulations through the news media. A specified time period may be designated in which warnings are issued. Long-term traffic educational programs should be established in the school systems. Community programming on cable television is also effective. A successful two-front traffic safety campaign mounted by the Honolulu Police Department is described. Other successful programs are also described: The Illinois "Project Graduation" to convince teenagers that there are alternatives to drinking parties during the graduation period; roadside safety checks to remove the alcohol-impaired driver from the highways; and a letter writing campaign directed towards tavern owners. New legislative steps taken to enhance New York's efforts to stop drunk driving are also described.
Corporate Authors:
International Association of Chiefs of Police
11 Firstfield Road
Gaithersburg, MD United States 20760 - Publication Date: 1984-7
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 60-61
- Volume: 51
- Issue Number: 7
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Alcohol tests; Countermeasures; Drunk driving; Impaired drivers; Laws; Police; Publicity; Safety education; Safety programs; Traffic law enforcement; Traffic safety; Warning systems
- Subject Areas: Education and Training; Highways; Law; Safety and Human Factors; Security and Emergencies; I83: Accidents and the Human Factor;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00392279
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: HS-037 400
- Created Date: Feb 28 1985 12:00AM