Over the past two decades, recycling and maintenance have become key words in the road and highway industry. To a great extent, this is because of the high price of oil, which has made rebuilding roads and highways very costly. But even with the recent so-called oil glut, countries and states - the primary customers for road contractors - are often choosing to recycle road material when possible, rather than build entirely new systems. This has led to new developments in highway equipment and placed a good deal of emphasis on recycling. The equipment list at the end highlights some of the newer developments in highway equipment.
Corporate Authors:
Donnelley (Reuben H) Corporation
466 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY United States 10017 - Publication Date: 1984-2
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 49-52
- World Construction
- Volume: 37
- Issue Number: 2
- Publisher: Donnelley (Reuben H) Corporation
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cold in-place recycling; Construction equipment; Highways; Machines; Maintenance; Mechanization; Milling; Pavements; Recycling; Road materials; Roadbuilding machinery
- Old TRIS Terms: Highway systems; Milling machine; Pavement recycling; Process train
- Subject Areas: Construction; Highways; Maintenance and Preservation; Pavements; Vehicles and Equipment; I52: Construction of Pavements and Surfacings;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00391756
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Engineering Index
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jan 30 1985 12:00AM