The U.S. regulations for automobile lighting are being revised and today (1984) Federal laws allow the use of European-style quartz-halogen as original equipment on domestic vehicles. However, it is estimated that 90% of the cars are still on the road with very inadequate lighting. Display, demonstration and explanation are needed to sell good auto lighting. This article explains what is good lighting, and discusses design, performance, and pricing. It is expected that it will not be long before federal restrictions on retrofitting are removed for European-style H-4 quartz halogen (QH) lights. Their installation and alignment are discussed. On the low-beam, European QH lights are designed to project a wide, flat pattern, higher on the right and with most intensity 950 to 1400 feet straight ahead, but out in the oncoming traffic lane. Switched to high, they reach out to pick up signs and hazards 3250 to 4750 feet ahead, yet spread the light all the way back to the bumper. American sealed beams, in comparison, show hazards no more than 1250 feet ahead, yet leave the immediate foreground dark in high mode. Low or "dim" mode is effective to no more than 800 feet, lacks width, and is not as bright or white as QH light. Also, the dimmer sealed beams affect oncoming drivers more than QH lights, and the scatter effect of mass-produced lens-reflector-filament bulbs limits visibility for the driver and is more blinding for other road users. The top-line headlight conversions are made to meet ECE (International Standard) specifications which include beam pattern and light intensity.
Corporate Authors:
Hearst Books
Motor Books Department, 224 West 57th Street
New York, NY United States 10019 - Publication Date: 1984-2
Media Info
- Features: Photos;
- Pagination: 5 p.
- Motor
- Volume: 161
- Issue Number: 2
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Design; Halogens; Headlamps; High beamed headlamps; Highway safety; Lighting; Low beamed headlamps; Performance; Regulations; Vehicle lighting
- Old TRIS Terms: High beamed headlights; Low beamed headlights; Quartz-halogen lights
- Subject Areas: Design; Law; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00391328
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: HS-037 092
- Files: HSL, USDOT
- Created Date: Dec 30 1984 12:00AM