This article addresses the following questions: What happens to you in a collision? What happens to your body? To your mind? How can you limit the impact? What can your family do to help? Dr. Bruce Smoller, a Bethesda psychiatrist and orthopedic surgeon, who has treated many accident victims and recently was one himself, provides some answers to these questions.
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Corporate Authors:
American Automobile Association
8111 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, VA United States 22047 -
- Nellius, D
- Publication Date: 1984-3
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 2d-2e
- AAA World
- Volume: 4
- Issue Number: 2
- Publisher: AAA Potomac
- ISSN: 0279-0270
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Crash victims; Diseases and medical conditions; Psychological aspects
- Subject Areas: Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00391318
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: HS-037 081
- Files: HSL, USDOT
- Created Date: Dec 30 1984 12:00AM