In this paper the urban transportation policy analysis process (UTPAP) in described. UTPAP was developed as a sketch-planning analysis tool for the study Technology Assessment of Production Conservation in Urban Transportation (TAPCUT). TAPCUT was a comprehensive study of the potential environmentsl, health, and public safety impacts of various alternative productive urban transportation energy-conservation strategies. Productive conservation strategies ecourage energy conservation without disrupting the economy or life-styles. The strategies that were analyzed reflected alternative national investment in infrastructure and technology and regulatory policies. The UTPAP is a sketch-planning model package that incorporates state-of-the-art, household-based, disaggregate travel demand models for mode and destination choice, with detailed specification of automobile technologies. It is useful in analyzing both the short-and long-term implications of city-specific transportation planning policies, and it provides summaries of transportation, fuel-consumption, air quality, public health, and safety impacts. Stratified by both type of household and geographic area of occurrence, these impact measures are valuable in assessing the social equity of transportation policy impacts. Preliminary sensitivity analysis indicated that nonwork travel was more responsive to price and level-of-service (LOS) change than work travel. Transit ridership was most affected by transit LOS improvements, whereas automobile vehicle miles of travel were most affected by fuel price increases. There was also a significant synergistic effect that increased nonwork transit ridership by combining transit LOS improvements with automobile fuel price increases.

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: pp 32-39
  • Monograph Title: Technology assessment of productive conservation in urban transportation
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00390646
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 309036720
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Dec 30 1988 12:00AM