To support transit agencies in the design and evaluation of more efficient and more equitable fare structures, an optimization-based model system has been developed and implemented on a microcomputer. This system seeks distance-based fares in the form: FIXED CHARGE plus (MILEAGE CHARGE) (trip distance) plus (TRANSFER CHARGE) (number of transfers). It maximizes estimated revenues subject to a minimum ridership constraint and constraints on the attributes of the fare structure. The latter provides the user with considerable control over the structure of the optimal fare, such that distance-based, zone, and flat fare schemes can be designed and tested. Required inputs include zone-to-zone trip tables, trip distances, number of transfers, initial fare structure, and system-wide price elasticity. Outputs include revenue, ridership, fare structure, and changes in key evaluation measures relative to the base case. If data permit, analyses can be conducted by market segments to develop diffential fares. This model can be used to search for fare schemes meeting user-specified requirements, to perform sensitivity studies of fare characteristics, and to test user supplied price structures. The model is implemented on the IBM Personal Computer and is highly interactive. Associated software supports data coding, output plotting on a dot matrix printer, and user training.
Corporate Authors:
Northwestern University, Evanston
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Transportation Center, 1936 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL United States 60208-4040Urban Mass Transportation Administration
Office of Technical Assistance & Safety, 400 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC United States 20590 -
- Daskin, M S
- Schofer, J L
- Haghani, A E
- Publication Date: 1984-3
Media Info
- Features: Appendices; Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 202 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Distance based fares; Elasticity (Economics); Equity; Fares; Mathematical models; Microcomputers; Optimization; Pricing; Revenues; Ridership; Transfers; Zone fares
- Subject Areas: Administration and Management; Economics; Finance; Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Public Transportation; Society; I10: Economics and Administration;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00391607
- Record Type: Publication
- Report/Paper Numbers: Final Rpt.
- Contract Numbers: IL-06-0054
- Files: TRIS, USDOT
- Created Date: Jan 30 1985 12:00AM