Analytical data are presented from 2401 samples of motor gasoline collected from service stations throughout the U.S. The samples represent products of 48 large and small companies which produce and supply gasoline. The following data are tabulated by groups according to brands (unlabeled) and grades for 17 marketing districts (a map included): gravity, sulfur, gum, benzene, lead, research (R) and motor (M) method octane numbers, antiknock (octane) index ((R plus M)/2), Reid vapor pressure, calculated data for vapor-liquid ratio of 20, and distillation characteristics. Charts are presented which indicate trends of selected motor fuel properties since 1949. Octane distribution percent charts are presented for the four areas (Eastern and Gulf Coast, Central, Mountain, and Western states) for unleaded, regular, and premium grades. The antiknock index averages of gasolines sold in the U.S. were 88.6, 89.3, and 93.7, respectively, for unleaded, regular, and premium grades.
Corporate Authors:
Department of Energy
Bartlesville Energy Research Center
Bartlesville, OK United States 74003American Petroleum Institute
1220 L Street, NW
Washington, DC United States 20005-4070 -
- Shelton, E M
- Publication Date: 1980
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: 84 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Antiknock compounds; Chemical analysis; Engine knock; Gasoline; Octane number; Properties of materials; Samples
- Uncontrolled Terms: Data
- Old TRIS Terms: Octane rating
- Subject Areas: Materials; Safety and Human Factors;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00391470
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Report/Paper Numbers: DOE/BETC/PPS-80/1, HS-028 777, PPS-113
- Files: HSL, USDOT
- Created Date: Dec 30 1984 12:00AM