This review summarises and comments on the results of all phases of the GLC traffic monitoring program which were completed up to the end of 1983. Six chapters cover: 1, introduction; 2, brief description of the traffic monitoring program; 3, summaries of results; 4, daily traffic patterns; 5, estimates of vehicles in traffic; and 6, general summary and conclusions. There are two appendices: 1, summary of selected link counts, 1980 -83; and 2, effects of completion of M25 orbital motorway around North and East London. (TRRL)
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Corporate Authors:
Greater London Council
County Hall
London SE1 7PB, England -
- Munt, P
- Publication Date: 1984
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Tables;
- Pagination: 103 p.
- Issue Number: 33
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Beltways; Charts; Mathematical analysis; Network links; Speed; Surveillance; Traffic counts; Traffic flow; Traffic surveillance; Traffic surveys; Travel patterns; Urban areas
- Uncontrolled Terms: Links; Traffic patterns
- ITRD Terms: 6471: Analysis (math); 6486: Chart; 5408: Speed; 9101: Surveillance; 689: Traffic count; 671: Traffic flow; 676: Traffic survey; 313: Urban area
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00390535
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- ISBN: 0 7168 1450 1
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Jan 30 1985 12:00AM