This guide is intended to assist in the planning and design of grade separated interchanges in both urban and rural areas. It is intended as a guide only, as interchanges should be designed with due consideration to all the relevant planning and design requirements and should not be designed in a stereotyped manner. Much of the material in this guide is based upon current Australian State Road Authority and overseas practices. The wide variety of roads and locations where interchanges are required precludes the specifications of rigid design parameters and it is expected that the designer will modify the details while maintaining the concepts of safety and design expressed by the guide. (TRRL)
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Corporate Authors:
National Association of Australian State Road Auth
2 Dind Street
Milsons Point, New South Wales, Australia - Publication Date: 1984
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 72 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Grade separations; Guides to information; Highway design; Interchanges; Interchanges and intersections; Rural areas; Urban areas
- Old TRIS Terms: Guides
- ITRD Terms: 435: Access road; 2894: Alignment; 9011: Design (overall design); 2937: Drainage; 2755: Highway; 433: Interchange; 2887: Landscaping; 2885: Layout; 653: Level of service; 2752: Motorway; 1733: Pedestrian; 143: Planning; 328: Rural area; 755: Traffic; 313: Urban area; 6793: Visibility distance
- Subject Areas: Design; Highways;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00389922
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB
- ISBN: 0-85588-155-0
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Created Date: Nov 30 1984 12:00AM