Portland-cement-concrete airfield pavements with polymer-concrete (PC) repairs were analytically modeled to develop design criteria for determining the required repair thickness. A previously developed computer program for analyzing discontinuous orthotropic plates and pavement slabs was used to analyze the pavement. Two representative aircraft, the F-4 and the C-141, were used. Different repair sizes, support values, and runway thicknesses were tested. A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine which variables have the greatest effect on the stresses. For the purpose of developing design charts, the critical positions of the wheel loads for the different size repairs were found. The magnitude of the existing runway support (K-value) outside the repair section was found to have little effect on the stresses in the PC repair, although the existing runway thickness did. Because of the emergency nature of the repairs, the repair support values and thicknesses may be significantly different from those for the existing pavement. Consequently, these values have a significant impact on the repair results. Design charts were prepared that give the flexural stress as a function of repair thickness for three repair sizes, two repair support values, and two runway thicknesses. The allowable stress level for the polymer concrete has been reduced for the number of loading repetitions.

Media Info

  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; References;
  • Pagination: pp 37-42
  • Monograph Title: Pavement maintenance prediction and runway repair materials
  • Serial:

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00387543
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 0309036623
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Sep 28 1984 12:00AM