Ultrasonic listening tools simplify diagnostics in fleet maintenance shops. The utility of such a device in a Florida bus shop is described. Leakage of air and vacuum systems and water leaks in vehicle bodies may all be detected and located. Other versions of the device can be used for probing bearing conditions in wheels, turbochargers, alternators and power steering pumps. The device may also be used for engine diagnosis. Kits may contain tone generators and special probes. Assuming that the diagnostic device is used to its full capability, such an investment can be cost effective.
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Corporate Authors:
Chilton Company, Incorporated
One Chilton Way
Philadelphia, PA United States 19089 - Publication Date: 1984-3
Media Info
- Features: Photos;
- Pagination: p. 61-63
- Commercial Carrier Journal
- Volume: 141
- Issue Number: 3
- Publisher: Randall Publishing Company, Incorporated
- ISSN: 1099-4173
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Bearings; Buses; Diagnosis; Diagnostic tests; Diesel engines; Maintenance practices; Preventive maintenance; Tools; Ultrasonics; Vehicle maintenance
- Uncontrolled Terms: Bus maintenance
- Subject Areas: Maintenance and Preservation; Public Transportation;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00384657
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: May 30 1984 12:00AM