Recent accidents have renewed public concern of coach speeds on motorways and the interest in the possible application of electronic speed limiting devices. The author suggests that high speeds are not the sole factor in the occurrence of the accidents and examines other arguments, including economy, for the use of speed limiting devices. The author describes the operating principles of three different types of speed limiter, the Econocruise, the Lucas Kienzle Top Speed Limiter and the Romatic Varispeed. These devices are capable of keeping speeds within plus or minus one mile/h making it possible to achieve a slightly faster average speed without infringing the law. All have an intermediate speed facility allowing the selection of one or more speeds lower than the pre-set tamper proof top speed control. In the Econocruise, an electronic controller picks up signals from an inductive sensor on the transmission, or from the tachograph, and as speed approaches the selected maximum a valve block intervenes in the air throttle contact. Push-pull motion is used to control the fuel injection pump as the set maximum speed is approached in the Lucas Kienzle and a solenoid valve allows pressure from a hydraulic pump to actuate a cylinder unit in the accelerator linkage in the Romatic device. (TRRL)
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Corporate Authors:
Travel and Transport Limited
122 Newgate Street
London EC1A 7AD, England -
- Townsin, A
- Publication Date: 1983-10
Media Info
- Features: Figures; Photos;
- Pagination: 3 p.
- Volume: 51
- Issue Number: 12
- Publisher: Yandell Publishing Limited
- ISSN: 0009-9899
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Buses; Control; Control devices; Crashes; Electronic control; Electronics; Equipment; Freeways; Fuel injection; Governors (Devices); Public transit; Sensors; Speed; Speed control; Speed limits; Technology
- Geographic Terms: United Kingdom
- Old TRIS Terms: Speed governor
- ITRD Terms: 1643: Accident; 1272: Bus; 3874: Control; 6965: Electronics; 3674: Equipment; 3830: Injection (fuel); 2752: Motorway; 744: Public transport; 6120: Sensor; 5408: Speed; 624: Speed limit
- Subject Areas: Highways; Operations and Traffic Management; Public Transportation; Safety and Human Factors; Vehicles and Equipment; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00382821
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Apr 30 1984 12:00AM