This report is a review of the information available for the design of paved areas for industrial use. It draws on an extensive documentation search and on current practical experience in order to give guidance to designers, contractors and clients. The various stages in the design process are considered, together with the alternative construction materials available and the merits of each, in regard to performance, maintenance and suitability. The report is limited to United Kingdom experience of exterior paved areas. However, reference is made to certain pavement design concepts originating in the United States of America. Comparative construction costs are given but, owing to a dearth of information, relative maintenance costs are not included. The report recognizes the following factors which influence the selection of a site and its subsequent use: there is increasing use of sites of relatively low bearing capacity; vehicles and handling equipment are getting heavier; the tolerable variations in surface levels are being reduced; paved areas may be used for a variety of purposes in the future; the paved areas should require little maintenance; the surfaces must resist attack from fuels, oils and contained materials which might be spilt on them. (TRRL)

  • Availability:
  • Corporate Authors:

    Concrete Society

    Terminal House, Grosvenor Gardens
    London,   England 
  • Publication Date: 1983

Media Info

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 00382160
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
  • ISBN: 0 7210 1193 X
  • Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
  • Files: ITRD, TRIS
  • Created Date: Apr 30 1984 12:00AM