An oil spill containment system that can be stored on the ocean bottom when not in use is now available in the U.S. from Lord Corp., Erie, Pa. Developed by Bridgestone Tire Co. Ltd., Japan, the system involves a flexible rubber skirt extending above and below the water surface and supported by two air-filled hoses. Rigidity is provided by fiber glass rods at 10-inch intervals. In operation, the fence is anchored to the seafloor around a spill-prone area such as a tanker berthing facility. When not needed, the deflated fence lies on the floor; when a spill occurs, it can be refloated in 18-20 minutes, depending on the depth of water and air-compressor output. The current production model utilizes 20-meter hose lengths with twin flotation elements. The fence extends 1.64 feet above the water and 1.96 feet below, using a 4.9-inch-diameter hose weighing 6,500 pounds. Fence and hose are constructed of a special compound of natural and synthetic rubber which is treated for oil, fire and weather resistance. No further information in article.
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Corporate Authors:
Marine Technology Society
5565 Sterrett Place, Suite 108
Columbia, MD United States 21044 - Publication Date: 1974-8
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 26
- Marine Technology Society Journal
- Volume: 8
- Issue Number: 7
- Publisher: Marine Technology Society
- ISSN: 0025-3324
- Serial URL: http://ingentaconnect.com/content/mts/mtsj
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Containing equipment; Oil booms; Oil spill cleanup; Oil spills; Pollution control; Prevention; Tankers
- Old TRIS Terms: Oil barriers; Oil containment systems; Oil spill prevention; Tanker pollution prevention
- Subject Areas: Environment; Marine Transportation; Security and Emergencies;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00057753
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Marine Technology Society
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Oct 22 1974 12:00AM