Progress to date is reported on a continuing study for the Department of Energy on the performance potential of automotive vehicles incorporating energy storage flywheels. The study employs computer simulation techniques to evaluate the utility of the flywheel in several vehicle/mission applications. Analysis results are reported for the case of a four-passenger commuter car with battery/flywheel drive-train and a six-passenger commuter car with battery/flywheel drive-train and a six-passenger family car with heat engine/flywheel drivetrain. System benefits are reported in terms of range enhancement or fuel economy improvement, as appropriate. Effects or influences identified and characterized include flywheel design, vehicle duty cycle, accessory load, trip distance, drive-train arrangement, and road maneuver performance specifications.
Supplemental Notes:
- This paper is from the Physical and Chemical Energy Storage Annual Contractors' Review Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, September 12, 1983.
Corporate Authors:
Aerospace Corporation
2350 East El Sequdo Boulevard
El Sequndo, CA United States 90245 -
- Forest, L
- LEE, W B
- Publication Date: 1983-9
Media Info
- Pagination: p. 173-181
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Benefits; Electric automobiles; Energy storage systems; Flywheels; Performance based specifications; Simulation; Specifications; Trip length; Vehicle drive systems; Vehicle performance
- Old TRIS Terms: Drive trains
- Subject Areas: Energy; Highways; Vehicles and Equipment; I96: Vehicle Operating Costs;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00387355
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Energy Research Abstracts
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Sep 28 1984 12:00AM