The following papers were presented at the symposium: The Effects of Speed Limits on Traffic Accidents in Sweden (Nilsson, G); The Effectiveness of the 55 mph National Maximum Speed Limit as a Lifesaving Benefit (Johnson, P, Klein, TM, Levy, P and Maxwell, D); Evaluation de l'impact des Mesures de Securite de 1973 sur La Frequence et La Gravite des Accidents de La Circulation (Evaluation of the Impact of the 1973 Safety Measures on the Frequency and Severity of Traffic Accidents--This report is presented in french) (Lassare, S and Tan, SH); Effects on Autobahn Accidents of a Speed Limit of 130 km/h (Lenz, KH); Speed Limits and Traffic Accidents (Salusjarvi, M); Car and Truck Speeds Related to Road Traffic Accidents in the Irish National Road System (Hearne, R); Effects of Changes in Speed Limits on Traffic Accidents on Danish Roads (Christensen, J); ECMT Studies on Speed Limits (Pittam, C); Speed Limits and Traffic Accidents in Urban Areas (Thomsen, LK and Engel, U); Speed Limits in the Netherlands (Wegman, FCM); The Effect of Coordinated Traffic Signals on Fuel Consumption (Hammarstrom, U); The Influence on Speed and Fuel Consumption of Changed Speed Limits (Oberg, G); Energy Savings from a General Speed Limit (McGuinness, P); Methodes de Mesure de la Vitesse des Vehicules et Materiels Utilises en France (Methods of Measuring Light and Heavy Vehicle Speed in France--This report is presented in french) (Ledru, M); Influence de Limitations de Vitesse sur la Consommation de Carburant des Voitures Particulieres (Influence of Speed Limits on the Fuel Consumption of Private Cars--This report is presented in french) (Roumegoux, J-P); Paper from the Permanent International Bureau of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (Schmidt, K). (continued on TRIS 386600). (TRRL)
Corporate Authors:
National Institute for Phys Planning & Constr Res
St Martin's House, Waterloo Road
Dublin 4, Ireland - Publication Date: 1982
- French
Media Info
- Features: Figures; References; Tables;
- Pagination: 399 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: 55 mph speed limit; Automobiles; Benefits; Conferences; Crashes; Energy conservation; Fuel consumption; Impact studies; Injury severity; Measurement; Methodology; Prevention; Rural areas; Safety; Speed limits; Traffic crashes; Traffic signal control systems; Traffic signals; Trucks; Urban areas
- Uncontrolled Terms: Modifications
- Geographic Terms: Denmark; Europe; Finland; France; Ireland; Netherlands; Sweden; United States
- ITRD Terms: 1643: Accident; 1661: Accident prevention; 1243: Car; 8525: Conference; 8028: Denmark; 212: Energy conservation; 8034: Europe; 8035: Finland; 8036: France; 232: Fuel consumption; 8049: Ireland; 597: Linked signals; 1236: Lorry; 6136: Measurement; 9102: Method; 9048: Modification; 8078: Netherlands; 328: Rural area; 1623: Severity (accid, injury); 624: Speed limit; 8109: Sweden; 313: Urban area; 8122: USA
- Subject Areas: Energy; Environment; Highways; Motor Carriers; Operations and Traffic Management; Planning and Forecasting; Safety and Human Factors; Security and Emergencies; Vehicles and Equipment; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning; I73: Traffic Control; I82: Accidents and Transport Infrastructure; I96: Vehicle Operating Costs;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00386599
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Transport Research Laboratory
- Report/Paper Numbers: Monograph
- Files: ITRD, TRIS
- Created Date: Aug 30 1984 12:00AM