Theoretical approaches for modeling and calculating the consolidation of a composite weak bottom

The paper considers analytical relationships for determining the effective operation of a unidirectional fibrous composite material. A simplified version of the effective operation of a composite material when a load is applied is presented. The data of theoretical calculations, confirmed by the experience of designing and building embankments on composite pile foundations, are given. A proposal has been made for the high efficiency of the use of pile technologies for the subgrade of fast and high-speed highways. The paper defines the prerequisites and prepares the initial data for modeling and calculating the main condition for the safety of the subgrade of high-speed highways – the fulfillment of the specified deadlines and the degree of consolidation of the weak foundation. The necessity is shown, and the area of ​​effective application of options for strengthening weak soils with pile structures is determined. An analysis of international approaches to the assessment of the stress-strain state of the subgrade base reinforced with composite pile structures has been carried out. It is shown that the applied analytical ratios for determining the deformation and settlement of the soil mass between piles do not take into account the dynamics of changes in the properties of the weak foundation of the subgrade of high-speed highways, are based mainly on empirical data and need to be corrected. For a detailed study of the processes of consolidation, five stages of the formation of the embankment structure of the expressway are distinguished, differing in the duration of execution and loads on the weak foundation.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01854770
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Aug 17 2022 9:33AM