Meaningful Performance Measures for the Vehicle Size and Weight Programs that are Useful for all Stakeholders: Investigating of Meaningful Performance Measures for Vehicle Size and Weight Enforcement

The research project to develop meaningful performance measures useful to those engaged in the Nevada vehicle size and weight enforcement program yielded a much better understanding of the relationships, obstacles, and opportunities for improvement in this vital program area. This report documents those findings. The most significant discovery was that the effects of existing enforcement strategies intended to reduce the frequency and severity of overweight vehicles and provide for enhanced safety of motor carrier operations cannot be adequately determined based on available historical data. The creation of performance measures to determine the cost effectiveness of modifications to existing strategies and/or allocation of additional resources to specific strategies is impractical and premature absent new data collection. Consequently, the research team recommends a data collection and analysis plan be developed cooperatively between Nevada Department of Public Safety (NDPS) and Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) in order to understand the immediate and residual effects of current enforcement strategies. This data collection plan should be incorporated into the upcoming (FFY 2023) State Enforcement plan (SEP), which is developed cooperatively by the vehicle size and weight enforcement alliance comprised of members of NDPS and NDOT and prepared on an annual basis.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Edition: Final Report
  • Pagination: 41p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01851159
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: 226-20-803
  • Created Date: Jul 11 2022 9:21AM