Understanding and Using New Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

Research has explored the benefits of innovative pedestrian and bicycle facilities, but it is unclear how pedestrians and bicyclists learn to properly use them. This report provides information on new pedestrian and bicycle treatments and (1) the behavior and knowledge of pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers traversing through, on, and around the new facilities, and (2) law enforcement activity around the facilities. A systematic literature review as well as a review of current practices in outreach was conducted. Generally, road users use new transportation facilities safely, if not entirely as intended. Confusion can occur when expectations differ from reality, such as when movement patterns are changed. Pedestrians and bicyclists express positive attitudes (e.g., reduced delays, improved routes, increased safety) about new facilities, and motorists share these sentiments unless they perceive inconveniences or unexpected behaviors. Little published research has explored education strategies for specific facilities. It appears that the general practice is to use established signage rather than experimenting with a potentially more effective method, such as intuitive design principles or media campaigns. Just one study identified evaluated the effects of enforcement activities. Enforcement—whether by visible patrol, citations, sting operations, or otherwise—is likely to positively influence compliance among all road users, but the research community has yet to document this mechanism. The review of current practices in outreach was intended to supplement the literature review, which identified gaps in knowledge about what might be effective at improving the understanding and use of facilities. A small number of studies into broader educational campaigns indicate that multimode communication to a highly localized audience is the most successful strategy for improving safety through behavioral change. More research is needed to quantify the success of the educational campaigns.


  • English

Media Info

  • Media Type: Digital/other
  • Edition: Final Report
  • Features: Figures; Photos; References; Tables;
  • Pagination: 163p

Subject/Index Terms

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01851295
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Report/Paper Numbers: DOT HS 813 317
  • Contract Numbers: 693JJ919F000116
  • Created Date: Jul 14 2022 11:32AM