Legal Governance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in China: Balancing Between Public Safety and Industry Growth
While the robust expansion of the UAV industry may be a plus for the Chinese government’s strategic economic targets, the booming industry also presents some governance challenges for regulators. In particular, multiple levels of government are challenged with how to address important public safety concerns arising from the increasing civilian and commercial use of UAVs while not stifling this rapidly growing high-tech sector. China has many legal instruments that are applicable to UAV governance, but they are not necessarily suitable for UAV operations as distinguished from traditional flights. China has not yet developed a nationwide legal instrument specific to UAV regulation, but some local governments have taken the lead in enacting UAV regulations, even though these instruments are only effective at the regional level. This paper focuses on Shenzhen, largely because it is host to many UAV manufacturers’ headquarters. It discusses Shenzhen’s user-friendly local legislation governing UAVs, as well as the Civil Aviation Administration of China’s recent release of its Interim Regulations on the Flight Management of UAV (Consultation Version). One of the biggest breakthroughs in this interim document is eliminating the approval process for certain UAV flights. All of the existing and forthcoming legal instruments are aimed at addressing public safety issues while simultaneously fostering a welcoming environment for the UAV industry, and the paper concludes that China’s governments -- central and local – will have to play a win-win game in order to find the best balancing point.
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- Li, Bin
- Publication Date: 2019
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Print
- Features: References;
- Pagination: pp 81-102
- Issues in Aviation Law and Policy
- Volume: 19
- Issue Number: 1
- Publisher: International Aviation Law Institute
- ISSN: 1934-7170
- Serial URL:
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Aircraft industry; Aviation safety; Drones; Federal government; Local government; Policy, legislation and regulation
- Geographic Terms: Shenzhen (China)
- Subject Areas: Aviation; Law; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01849838
- Record Type: Publication
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jun 27 2022 11:58AM