Comprehensive Framework and Roadmap for Life-Cycle Management of High-Friction Surface Treatments

High-friction surface treatments (HFSTs) are increasingly being applied at critical roadway locations (such as horizontal curves) that have high friction demand and a history of wet crashes; well-constructed HFST on sound underlying pavements has generally provided durable high friction. However, HFST friction loss because of aggregate loss or other distresses is a serious safety concern. HFST installation and management, especially its safe application and operation, involves different life-cycle activities (site selection and planning, construction, performance monitoring, maintenance, and replacement). These life-cycle activities involve complex and challenging technical components (including site selection criteria, construction quality control, performance measures, maintenance trigger criteria, etc.). To effectively manage the complex and challenging components of HFST and to mitigate safety concerns, this paper (a) studied the current challenges and identified the technical and management needs for safely managing HFST pavements based on a literature review, a national survey, and interviews with experts, (b) developed a comprehensive technical and managerial integrated framework to manage network-level safety throughout HFST’s life-cycle activities by synthesizing the core contents of the identified needs, and (c) proposed a roadmap containing research, development, and deployment actions needed for enhancing HFST management practices. The developed comprehensive framework enables researchers and Departments of Transportation to holistically see the different components of HFST life-cycle activities so that HFST can be managed systematically and cost-effectively while ensuring safety. This framework can also be used as a checklist of items for transportation agencies to follow to ensure high-quality and effective HFST installation and management.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01849076
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS, TRB, ATRI
  • Created Date: Jun 22 2022 9:36AM