The paper describes the wide range of specialized marine structures and craft used by the offshore oil industry and is intended to be read in conjunction with an associated paper by Professor K.F. Bowden, which describes the environmental factors affecting offshore operations. Under the classification of floating structures the problems and possible limitations in design of large tankers, drilling rigs, crane barges, pipe laying barges and supply vessels are discussed. The trends of development of equipment founded on or near the sea bed are briefly reviewed, and the more difficult criteria applying to structures which are required to withstand the combined forces from currents, waves, and winds near to the surface of the open sea are also discussed. Examples of such structures are wellhead and production platforms, semi-submersible drilling rigs and single point moorings. Structures on coastal and protected waters are considered as beyond the scope of this review. An attempt is made to assess the future trends in the development of equipment and structures used by the offshore oil industry, and its potential interest to the naval architect and shipbuilder. Reference is made to the application of small submersibles and diving bells in the industry's work.
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Corporate Authors:
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
10 Upper Belgrave Street
, United States -
- Bell, A D
- Publication Date: 1970-4
Media Info
- Features: References;
- Pagination: p. 181-197
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects Transactions
- Volume: 112
- Issue Number: 2
- ISSN: 0035-8967
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Offshore structures; Offshore terminals; Single point moorings; Tankers; Vehicle design
- Uncontrolled Terms: Ship design
- Old TRIS Terms: Spm service craft
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; Design; Marine Transportation; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00056655
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Texas A&M University, College Station
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Jul 15 1974 12:00AM