Development of a Model for Heterogeneous Traffic Simulation

Cellular automata (CA) being a simple and powerful analytical tool has been used in the present study for the analysis of heterogeneous traffic. Heterogeneous traffic comprises different types of vehicles having a wide range of static and dynamic characteristics. Moreover, the driving pattern in developing countries is without lane discipline. These factors added together make the analysis of heterogeneous traffic a cumbersome task. Hence, CA being a simple tool is used to analyse complex scenario. The concept of actual gap and perceived gap and movement according to perceived gap are proposed in the present study. It can be observed from the results that with the introduction of heterogeneity, the capacity value reduces drastically. Moreover, the introduction of slow moving vehicles reduces the stream speed to a great extent. The proposed model is validated using the flow and density data obtained from field.


  • English

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Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01902445
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9789813290419
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Dec 16 2023 4:54PM