Digital validation of cable performance for vehicles in operation
Physically correct simulation of flexible components is a nontrivial, but very important task, especially for cables and hoses in vehicles. Often, early designs do not represent the real deformation of cables and hoses. This can lead to serious problems in later phases of the product development. In this work we present a new software module, added to an existing cable simulation software. It focusses on digital validation of cables and hoses for vehicles in operation. Typically, high frequency excitation from engine vibration or loads from road profile are applied to the cable mountings, such that inertia and damping are indispensable. The module enables comfortable and fast simulation in very early design phases, including the dynamic effects mentioned above. Excitation signals can be generated easily, e.g. periodic signals with specified frequencies or stochastic signals from PSD data. Moreover, the simulation is very efficient and is real-time capable for many applications. Finally, post-processing tools help to analyse the simulation results. For instance, it is easy to detect undesired contact of components with their environment.
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Supplemental Notes:
- © Der/die Herausgeber bzw. der/die Autor(en), exklusiv lizenziert durch Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2021. The contents of this paper reflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Transportation Research Board or the National Academy of Sciences.
Corporate Authors:
Springer Vieweg Wiesbaden
Wiesbaden, Germany -
- Schneider, Fabio
- Linn, Joachim
- Andersson, Fredrik
- 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium
- Location: Kaiserslautern , Germany
- Date: 2021-3-9 to 2021-3-11
- Publication Date: 2021-4
- English
Media Info
- Media Type: Digital/other
- Edition: 1st Edition
- Features: References;
- Pagination: pp 405-416
- Monograph Title: Commercial Vehicle Technology 2020/2021: Proceedings of the 6th Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium
- Proceedings
- Publisher: Springer Vieweg Wiesbaden
- ISSN: 2198-7432
- Serial URL:
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Cables; Deformation; Hoses; Simulation; Structural analysis; Validation
- Subject Areas: Highways; Vehicles and Equipment;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01874253
- Record Type: Publication
- ISBN: 9783658297169
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Feb 23 2023 9:31AM