Best practice lessons from cities implementing Vision Zero and Safe Systems Road Safety: the quest for an end to deaths and life changing injuries on Bristol’s road network
Bristol City Council developed a Safe Systems Road Safety Plan in 2015. This laid the foundations for future development. In 2021 the SHINE Health Improvement Team of Bristol Health Partners proposed work to help the City Council move forward from the 2015 Plan. Recognising that in aiming for the goal of zero road traffic fatalities and life changing injuries, there are key partners that will need to be core to the endeavour if it is to become a reality. Not the least of these is the Paediatric Major Trauma Service at the city-centre hospital, University Hospital Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. With these two key city agencies in support, a review of the evidence was undertaken as to effective interventions implemented in cities in High Income Countries to achieve the goal of zero road traffic fatalities and life-changing injuries. What could Bristol learn from these? The review found a relatively small volume of evidence, with a mix of Australian, US, and Norwegian city-level case studies. No case studies or other reports came from UK highway authorities. The case studies report on a series of key findings that are hopefully of value to the City of Bristol, not least to the Road Safety Team in the Council, the Paediatric Major Trauma Services, and wider One City partners with an interest in safer and healthier transport environments for all. Where understanding of Safe Systems Road Safety or Vision Zero is not shared this acts as a barrier to progressing with effective actions (noted in Victoria, Australia). Positively, where the vision is shared and understood and so when road safety is prioritised then the most vulnerable road users start to benefit from safer environments.
- Record URL:
Corporate Authors:
Bristol Health Partners
Bristol, -
- Davis, A
- Publication Date: 2022-3
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 33p
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Case studies; Highway safety; Local government; Planning; Urban areas; Vulnerable road users
- Uncontrolled Terms: International comparison
- Geographic Terms: Australia; Bristol, United Kingdom; Norway
- ATRI Terms: Case study; International comparison; Local government; Planning; Road safety; Urban area; Vulnerable road user
- ITRD Terms: 8122: USA
- Subject Areas: Planning and Forecasting;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01847844
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: ARRB Group Limited
- Files: ATRI
- Created Date: Jun 1 2022 4:38PM