Performance properties of high modulus asphalt concrete containing high reclaimed asphalt content and polymer modified binder

High modulus asphalt concrete (HMAC) mixtures are produced using hard grade binders or modified bitumen and are known to have exceptional resistance towards rutting and fatigue. Due to the similarity between hard binder and aged reclaimed asphalt (RA) binder, HMAC mixtures have great potential to incorporate higher percentages of RA material. Here the authors present a study evaluating the performance of HMAC mixtures incorporating high content of RA material. Both hard grade binder and polymer modified bitumen (PMB) were used for all the mixtures with RA content varying from 0% to 70%. The laboratory performance of mixtures was examined using wheel tracking test, semi-circular bend test, thermal stress restrained specimen test, water sensitivity test and four-point bending test. The results demonstrated that it is possible to develop HMAC mixtures with satisfactory performance using RA content up to 70%, by using PMB binder. The mixtures produced using PMB binder outperformed conventional hard grade binder mixtures especially for use in regions with extremely cold winters.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01848861
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jun 20 2022 3:31PM