The present status of mobile and floating breakwater research and development is considered, with emphasis placed on those recent designs that hold the most promise for continued work. A short historical background of several types of breakwaters is presented and the principal design criteria to be met are listed. The theory of the floating breakwater is considered in its simplest form and some pertinent estimates of performance and feasibility are presented from recent results. It is concluded that considerable research and development work remains to be done, particularly in the characterization and measurement of mooring forces. The dynamics of breakwater mooring cables are not well understood, and full scale tests and operational portable breakwater systems are few. While technical feasibility has been shown for many designs at the model stage, the economical feasibility of most proposed systems remains to be demonstrated. A list of pertinent references is included as a means for placing the recent developments in perspective. (Author)
Corporate Authors:
Naval Research Laboratory
Stennis Space Center, MS United States 39529-5004 -
- Griffin, O M
- Publication Date: 1971-5
Media Info
- Pagination: 31 p.
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Breakwaters; Cables; Dynamics; Floating breakwaters; Mooring; Moorings
- Old TRIS Terms: Cable dynamics
- Subject Areas: Marine Transportation; Terminals and Facilities;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 00019467
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: National Technical Information Service
- Report/Paper Numbers: NRL-MR-2242 Memo Rpt
- Files: TRIS
- Created Date: Nov 25 1971 12:00AM