Lightweight design and experimental investigation of codirectional corrugated steel fire bulkheads on a cruise ship

A lightweight design method based on topography optimization theory, which can adaptively determine locations, numbers and topography of the codirectional beads of sandwich bulkheads is proposed. Mathematical optimization formulations for the bead topography design of sandwich bulkheads that considering weight objective and strength and buckling constraints are established. Taking a fireproof bulkhead design in the superstructure of a cruise ship as an example, the design process based on the proposed method is demonstrated. A full-scale sandwich bulkhead specimen is selected and manufactured for comparison with the stiffened bulkhead. Then, a load-bearing fire-resisting test is carried out on the specimen. The test results show that the structure of the unexposed side of the specimen is intact and that there is no smoke emission. The average and maximum increases in temperature on the unexposed side are 80.2 °C and 104 °C, and the maximum axial deformation and the average axial deformation rates are 7.9 mm and 3.8 mm/min, respectively. The new sandwich bulkhead can be regarded as a “load-bearing fire-resisting divisions 30” class bulkhead because these results meet the requirements of the 2010 Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures. However, its weight is just 73.86% that of the stiffened bulkhead.


  • English

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  • Accession Number: 01849215
  • Record Type: Publication
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jun 23 2022 9:16AM