Optimal spacing of jet fan in extra-long tunnel fire under a longitudinal ventilation system
Extra-long metro tunnels are becoming more common because of advances in tunnel construction and the increasing demand for public transport. According to the guidelines for design of highway tunnel (China), an extra-long tunnel with a length of more than 3 km. However, as tunnel lengths increase, new challenges in fire safety arise. Owing to the special structure of tunnels, when a fire occurs, smoke spreads rapidly and extensively, which prohibits occupants from safely evacuating the tunnel and firefighters from extinguishing the fire. In most tunnels, the ventilation system plays a decisive role in controlling the smoke and maintaining acceptable conditions within the tunnel during evacuation, rescue, and firefighting procedures. The world community was awakening after a sequence of disastrous accidents related to fires in several tunnels. Accordingly, new safety rules and regulations were formulated internationally and nationally. In this connection, many developed countries strive for practical solutions to renovate the infrastructure of the existing tunnel that could now be considered perilous. Longitudinal ventilation is a commonly used ventilation method in metro tunnel fires in terms of economic and safety considerations. An increasing number of long tunnels have been developed with the rapid development of metro system. However, the study on longitudinal ventilation in long tunnel fires is rarely reported. Moreover, a substantial number of well-known research reported that the quality of studies related to the optimal distance between jet fans in an extra-long tunnel remains inadequate to date. At present, design codes indicate that jet fans should be installed in long tunnels.
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Corporate Authors:
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
, Sweden -
- Obadi, Imad
- Weng, Miaocheng
- Liu, Fang
- Ninth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security
- Location: Munich , Germany
- Date: 2020-3-11 to 2020-3-13
- Publication Date: 2020
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: pp 691-692
- Monograph Title: Proceedings from the Ninth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security, Munich, Germany, March 11-13, 2020
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Fire; Temperature; Tests; Tunnels; Ventilation systems
- ITRD Terms: 1624: Fire; 9157: Fire protection ; 6722: Temperature; 6255: Test; 3374: Tunnel; 3392: Ventilation
- Subject Areas: Bridges and other structures; I25: Design of Tunnels;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01845985
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- ISBN: 9789189049895
- Files: ITRD, VTI
- Created Date: May 20 2022 2:06PM