Riding in a safe system – workshop on safety for powered-two-wheelers : Final report from a workshop held on 9–13 June 2021
Riding in a safe system – en workshop om säkerhet för motoriserade tvåhjulingar : slutrapport från den workshop som hölls 9–23 juni 2021.
An international workshop on safety for powered-two-wheelers (PTWs), Riding in a safe system, was held as a series of virtual meetings 9–23 June 2021. The workshop was co-organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF), the Swedish Transport Administration, the International Motorcycling Federation (fiM), the motorcycle manufacturers associations (IMMA and ACEM), and the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). The workshop was a follow-up of the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Stockholm in February 2020, but it also built on a previous workshop in 2008 in Lillehammer and the 2015 ITF research report “Improving Safety for Motorcycle, Scooter and Moped Riders”. The workshop, which included six expert sessions, focused on seven different areas: (i) Sustainable practices, work-related issues and procurement, (ii) Modal shift and urban needs, (iii) Training, education, and licensing, (iv) Vehicle safety, protective safety, and Intelligent Transport Systems, (v) Road infrastructure and road environment, (vi) Speed management, adapting speeds and behaviour to different environments, (vii) Youth and child safety. Eight priority actions were recognized by the workshop to achieve the integration of PTWs in the safe system by 2030. These actions build on the Stockholm declaration and its 9 recommendations. The actions are generalized results from the outcome of the expert sessions. The 8 priority actions from the workshop are: (i) Move to sustainable practice, (ii) Support modal shift, (iii) Adopt safe vehicles and equipment, (iv) Educate safe riders, (v) Redesign infrastructure, (vi) Ensure safe speed, (vii) Protect children, and (viii) increase knowledge.
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- Forsman, Åsa
- Jansson, Jonas
- Forward, Sonja
- Nuruzzaman, Robin
- Skogsmo, Ingrid
- Vadeby, Anna
- Publication Date: 2021
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 72p
- VTI Rapport
- Issue Number: 1103A
- Publisher: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- ISSN: 0347-6030
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Developing countries; International; Motorcycles; Motorcyclists; Policy; Prevention; Safety; Vulnerable road users
- ITRD Terms: 1661: Accident prevention; 150: Developing countries; 9034: International; 1221: Moped; 1752: Moped rider; 1221: Motorcycle; 1752: Motorcyclist; 173: Policy; 1665: Safety; 1221: Scooter; 1221: Side car; 1734: Vulnerable road user
- Subject Areas: Policy; Safety and Human Factors; I80: Accident Studies; I91: Vehicle Design and Safety;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01844900
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- Files: ITRD, VTI
- Created Date: May 6 2022 5:08PM