Stabilization of fine-grained soils in cold environment and exposed to seasonal frost : by-products as hydraulic binders
Stabilisering av finkorniga jordar i kalla miljöer med årstidsbunden tjälning : biprodukter som hydrauliska bindemedel
This doctoral thesis deals with the stabilization of fine-grained soils using by-product originated hydraulic binders. The use of fine-grained soils as subsoil for infrastructure projects is often limited because of the risk for instability. Another reason why building on these soils is not desired is insufficient serviceability of the final structure caused by settlements or frost heave that occur in fine-grained soils. Therefore, these soils are often excavated, transported and landfilled. By means of stabilization with hydraulic binder, fine-grained soils can be improved and thereby utilized on site. In case by-products can be used as binders, the method of stabilization combines different sustainability aspects (reduced carbon footprint of the binder, reduced need of excavation, transport and landfilling as well as quarrying). The method of deep stabilization is often used in Sweden to increase the bearing capacity and to reduce settlements. In countries with more moderate climate than Sweden, stabilization is regularly used also to reduce the frost susceptibility of fine-grained soils in the frost active part of the subsoil. However, the influence of the combination of low curing temperature and freezing and thawing on stabilized soils is unclear, which leads to reduced applicability of this method of stabilization in regions with longer seasonal frost and low annual mean temperature. This thesis focuses on how curing at low temperatures (mean temperature +4℃ to +7℃ ) combined with freezing and thawing cycles influences the stabilizing reaction of by-product originated hydraulic binders in fine-grained soil. Three different combinations of inorganic fine-grained soils with by-product originated hydraulic binders were investigated in laboratory studies. The testing program included curing at +4℃ for 14, 28 and 90 days, twelve freezing and thawing cycles as well as 28 days of additional curing time after the last thawing. The results of the three laboratory studies were analyzed statistically regarding the varied influence factors (binder content, days of curing before and after freezing and thawing).
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- Rothhämel, Mirja
- Publication Date: 2021
- English
Media Info
- Pagination: 76
- Doctoral thesis
- Publisher: Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
- ISSN: 1402-1544
Subject/Index Terms
- TRT Terms: Calcium oxide; Clay; Field tests; Freeze thaw durability; Frost; Hydraulic binders; Laboratories; Pavement layers; Silts; Soil stabilization; Subgrade (Pavements); Tests; Theses
- ITRD Terms: 4177: Clay; 6226: Field (test); 2940: Formation (road); 2577: Freezing thawing cycle; 2585: Frost; 4757: Hydraulic binder; 6237: Laboratory (not an organization); 4574: Lime; 4149: Silt; 3689: Soil stabilization; 2950: Subgrade; 6255: Test; 8597: Thesis
- Subject Areas: Geotechnology; I42: Soil Mechanics;
Filing Info
- Accession Number: 01844872
- Record Type: Publication
- Source Agency: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
- ISBN: 9789177908333
- Files: ITRD, VTI
- Created Date: May 6 2022 5:08PM